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Advent Small Groups | Jim and Tara Bryant

A Safe Place to Ponder Questions and Broaden Our Understanding of Christ

It seems choosing what to study together as a small group can be a daunting task. Last year, we landed on the Ten Commandments. To be honest, most of us thought, “Well, this will be straightforward,” but it was so much more! Each week we took the opportunity to listen to a sermon relating to one of the commandments, reviewed text, and alternated who led the study. We passed on the reference materials for each week to the leader. Amazingly, this Bible study revealed that it is through God’s grace we learn that what we do as we follow the commandments enriches the lives of those around us. This study helped us see how our actions can lead others to the gospel.

We are grateful for our small group; the love, support, and opportunity to study together has created a safe place to ponder questions, to test one another, and broaden our understanding of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.
— Jim and Tara Bryant

Join a small group! To find out more about Small Groups, please contact Fontaine Pope (Fontaine@CathedralAdvent. com, 205-443-8562).

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