Advent Season: Family Devotion Music
Advent is a word that means “coming” or “arrival.” This season on the church calendar is one in which we remember the promises of Jesus’ first coming, and look forward to his promise to come again. Just as John the Baptist told the Jewish people to “prepare” for the Lord’s first arrival, we need to encourage each other to be ready for him to come again.
We’re excited to have the opportunity to spend time with our families this season thinking about what this season means as we use our Advent Season Family Devotion Table Cards. We study God’s word, talk about how it impacts our lives, pray together, and sing hymns and songs. The songs below include full lyrics and audio links that coordinate with each of the cards that start each week of the Advent season.
First Week of Advent
Hymn: Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending by John Cennick
Song: Creator of the Stars and Night by Advent Birmingham
Second Week of Advent
Hymn: Comfort, Comfort Ye My People by Johann Olearius
Song: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silent by Advent Birmingham
Third Week of Advent
Hymn: On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry
Song: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel by Advent Birmingham
Fourth Week of Advent
Hymn: Tell Out My Soul
Song: What Child is This? by Advent Birmingham
Christmas Day
Hymn: O Come, All Ye Faithful
Song: Joy to the World by Advent Birmingham
Visit the Advent Bookstore to purchase a copy of the table cards and Advent Birmingham’s new album Christmas Soul, and follow the Children’s Ministry page on Instagram to participate in the devotions of the season online.