Dean’s Bulletin Board 3.18.2019
An interesting interview with Michael McClymond on universalism (the belief that everyone is saved in the end). This once minority and un-orthodox position is now widely held in mainline denominations (ours especially) and even some evangelicals are jumping onboard. McClymond accurately states the problem when he says: “Universalism isn’t just a theological mistake. It’s also […]
Fleming Rutledge: Why Being ‘Spiritual’ Is Never Enough
Americans increasingly identify as “spiritual but not religious.” Radical faith goes beyond both. by Fleming Rutledge in Christianity Today | May 2018 We hear a good deal today about “the triumph of the human spirit.” Books and movies about disasters are frequently marketed as triumphs of the human spirit, even though they often portray examples […]
Jesus Showed Up in My Anatomy Lab
What dissecting bodies taught me about the passion story and life after death. Kathleen G. Tallman| Christianity Today, April 20, 2018 I sigh and look at the remains on the table in front of me: a pile of bones, muscles, ligaments, and organs. They are signs of dissecting, learning, and integrating knowledge. At the end […]
Saint Patrick’s Bad Analogies (for Theology Geeks)
What Are the Talents?
A Word from Deborah Leighton in the February 4 Adventurer Recently, I have been pondering two separate but related passages from Scripture as I discern God’s will for this particular season of my life. In the parable of the talents (Matthew 25), the master clearly represents God, and we are likened to the servants. But what […]
The Idolatry of Worry
Dean’s Bulletin Board 1.20.2018: Ashley Null
Ashley Null is always worth reading, but most especially now where our denomination has no sense of where it came from nor the consequences of where we are now, or where we are heading. We need to be reminded, but moreover, take hold of our gospel inheritance. – Andrew
I Feel Homesick
A Word from Canon Hicks in the January 14, 2018 Adventurer I heard on a podcast recently an interview with author Will Dowd, who recounted the physical hardship he fell into beginning in his teen years. From as early as he could remember, Dowd loved reading. He said, “You know how humans are described as water-based […]
Preaching from the Pews
A Word from Canon Schneider in the January 7, 2018 Adventurer I’ve been thinking a lot about something that at first blush might seem blasphemous at a church like the Advent: The Sunday sermon is necessary but insufficient. I don’t mean the preached word on Sunday is weak. By no means! It’s supernaturally powerful. It’s incredibly […]