Dean’s Bulletin Board 11.13.2018
The bullying of LGBTQ folks is a problem, but this is not the answer:
The church has done a terrible job of pastoring and loving those who are same-sex attracted or struggle with gender identity. Either we have condemned them out of hand or we’ve affirmed them in all the wrong ways. Is there a different way forward in a world that believes that the self-determination is the end all be all of human existence?
Many of you are probably like me and would rather avoid the issue(s) altogether; but the world won’t let us, and God won’t let us. If we aren’t talking with our children about it, rest assured that the world is talking about it constantly.
If you feel like you’re in over your head, take a look at these resources:
Living Out (a ministry in the UK that includes good friends of mine):
An article by Kevin DeYoung on transgenderism:
– Andrew