This is from a history of an Anglican Church in the Eastern suburbs of Sydney, Australia (1928).
I realize the Law has no power to create that which it demands, and I do not see this as particularly motivating. On the contrary, I find it condemning, which is a proper function of the Law.
What do you feel when you read this? Do you find yourself convicted? Do you find yourself thinking of the church as a spiritual department store from which you expect service? Do you find yourself poor mouthing your home church to your friends at a cocktail party? Is roast pastor normally served at Sunday dinner?
The answer is not better churchmanship or attendance or service, but more Jesus. I find that my love for the church has much more to do with where I am with Christ than circumstance. She is, no doubt, full of faults, but she is the bride of Christ and those who comprise her are my brothers and sisters.
While in the midst of stewardship at the Advent, I find these questions penetrating to the degree that they push me to think about what it means to found in Jesus and the blessing of his church.