Dean’s Bulletin Board 6.17.2019
Many of you know I spoke at the What is Anglicanism? conference held at Beeson Divinity School last summer. The contributions to the conversation were wide and varied and I’m not sure got us any closer to an answer to our question. The clarity it did bring was the fact that there is a battle on to define Anglicanism, most especially in North America. By this I don’t mean a denominational identity (ACNA vs. TEC), but what does it meant to be an Anglican?
I believe in Anglican comprehensiveness, but it must be a principled one. This conference stretched my understanding of where the lines are quite a bit and I hope we’ll continue the conversation.
The speakers all contributed to a book that will be out in February, published by Crossway. I hope you’ll buy it and pay particular attention to the essays by John Yates, III, Gerald Bray, Mounir Anis, and Eulid Wabukala.
– Andrew