Nov 27: A Word from the Dean
Recently, the Advent embarked on a visioning process, prayerfully discerning what God is doing in our midst and where he is leading us. The reason we are doing this is to be good stewards of all that we have been given: not simply in terms of active giving financially, but also grateful for the wealth we have been given in our history and tradition, and upon whose shoulders we now stand (both in terms of leadership, but also the faithful succession of parishioners since 1872).
A Planning Team of 25, representing a broad makeup of our congregation (men and women, from all four services, some life-long/multi-generation Adventers, some who have been here only a couple of years, across the age spectrum, current and former vestry, and current and former senior wardens) recently gathered to pray over God’s plan for our church.
Again, the Advent is not unsure as to what our identity is, but feel that God is doing something remarkable in our midst and we do not take that for granted. The planning team is already working diligently, faithfully, and prayerfully, to discern with simple clarity what God has given us to do and where he has called us to be.
By the time you read this, the planning team will have met to finish the work it began at the end of October. The next steps are to communicate to the congregation the fruit of this work and look to you for input.
As I mentioned in my last Word, there will be many opportunities for everyone to interact with members of the planning team, in small gatherings we will call “conversation groups.” In addition, you can always reach out to one of the members of the group to share your thoughts.
Because we want the congregation to be engaged in this process, we have created a page on our website dedicated to the process, You will be able to find general information about the visioning process, FAQs, and an indicator as to what the next steps are. We will also be giving regular updates in the Adventurer.
It is a time of excitement and eager expectation at the Advent, and I hope you will join me in prayer for our church.
– Andrew