A Place of Prayer and Worship, Refuge and Friendship
As we begin our 20th year in our small group, it’s hard to put into words all that it has meant to us. It has been a place of refuge and worship, from our last child’s birth to our newfound empty nest. The impact of setting aside time in communion with other believers each week has broadened our Advent experience and impacted us profoundly.
It has been a place to grow our faith by studying Scripture, praying for others and being prayed for in times of heartfelt need, seeing God actively at work in each others lives, building deep Christian friendships, and setting an example for our children that prioritizes our faith with a weekly commitment.
Our gratitude for this experience and the Advent’s commitment to small groups is immeasurable.
“That is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine” (Romans 1:12).
– Edmund and Kathleen Doss
New small groups are forming for the fall. Consider joining one!