Dean’s Bulletin Board 6.11.2016
Santosh Marray Elected Diocesan Bishop of Easton
Our Assistant Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Santosh Marray has been elected to be the next diocesan bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Easton. Please keep Santosh and Lynn in your prayers as they prepare to make this next transition in their lives.
– Andrew
[Ed. note] The Diocese of Easton is the entire Eastern Shore of Maryland, which includes territory in more than one-third of Maryland and shares the Delmarva Peninsula with the entire state of Delaware and a small part of Virginia. It is comprised of nine counties, from the Chesapeake Bay to Delaware; from Pennsylvania to Virginia.
It became its own diocese in 1868 and is currently comprised of 38 worshiping communities of nearly 10,000 members, served by 70 clergy.