DBB 9.30.2017: Sermon Series on the Reformation Solas
The five “solas” which emerged from the Reformation capture its central concerns related to the Bible, God, and his salvation of us as ungodly sinners: Scripture Alone, Faith Alone, Grace Alone, Christ Alone, and to the Glory of God Alone.
This year’s Reformation Day (October 31) marks the 500th Anniversary of Martin Luther’s posting of the 95 Theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. To mark this anniversary, on the five Sundays in October, we will have a short sermon series on the Reformation Solas. Soli Deo Gloria!
As we near the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation (Oct. 31, 2017), here is a great little video for adults and children alike. It’s put together by our friends at 10 of Those publishing (https://www.10ofthose.com) and hope that you not only watch it, but share it with others.
– Andrew