Six Weeks of Prayer: Friday, October 27, 2017
What a wonderful declaration of belief! After the resurrection, Jesus had appeared to the other disciples, but not to Thomas. The others told him, “We have seen the Lord!”, but Thomas responded that unless he not only saw Jesus but actually touched him, he would never believe. Jesus answers his challenge by appearing before him and inviting him to reach out and touch him.
Jesus issues an exhortation: “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.” Jesus is speaking of those of us who come to him by faith through the preaching of the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Sight is not a prerequisite for belief; the Holy Spirit prepares our hearts for the word to do its work. And then like Thomas, it becomes personal, our story. Each of Christ’s own come to know him as “My Lord and my God.” He does not ransom a faceless group of people, but you and countless others that he calls by name.
Thomas answered him, ‘My Lord and my God!’ (John 20:28)
Lord, I thank you that I may believe without seeing. I thank you because you have let me see so much. How many times have you not met me in your word? I have been able to see your image, and I have heard your voice. My eyes have seen your salvation, but more than all this is your promise that I may believe without seeing. I don’t need to know of experience or ask for proof. You allow me to trust in you alone. You guarantee that this is the truth. However poor I may be, I still have you. I couldn’t ask for anything more. Amen. (from To Live with Christ, Bo Giertz)