Do we have time for this?

“Do we have time for this?” Five years ago, we were new to town with a baby, two careers, and a mountain of laundry. It made no sense to carve out time each week to meet with mostly strangers and awkwardly (we feared) read the Bible and pray together. But, we knew we needed the help of God and fellow Christians to navigate life’s waters. With an ounce of faith, we signed up.
Five years later, we count those once-strangers as among our best of friends. We have celebrated births together, cooked for each other, and cried in the face of life’s tragedies. We have taken on service projects involving our young children, and watched our children’s friendships grow. But, most importantly, we have studied God’s word together and prayed fervently for each other.
Robert and I now have two small children, and, by the world’s standards, we still don’t have time for small group. Life remains chaotic (see picture). But, small group has become an integral part of our lives that has positively impacted our spiritual walks, marriage, and parenting. It’s amazing what God can do with a little faith.
– Jen Green
New small groups are forming for the fall. Consider joining one…