Understanding Our Most Important Relationship

A Word from the Dean in the January 21, 2018 Adventurer
Within the pages of this Adventurer you will read of Deborah Leighton transitioning to a part-time position. She will still be involved in the ministry of the Advent, especially our women’s ministry, but will be taking more time to be at home with her daughter. From my view, this is a very brave move on Deborah’s part.
The modern world is very unfair to women. I remember research that was done while I was an undergraduate at UVa that asked female students what their life goals were. More than 90 percent said that they aspired to be married, have a family, and serve as the CEO of a Fortune 500 company by age 40. The pressure on young women in our culture is not to be believed. Such pressure is leading to women getting married older (if at all) and having fewer children (if any at all). In a word, it’s unfair.
I say Deborah is brave because she understands God’s call on her life, and we could all benefit by looking to her as an example. We all serve various roles in our lives and there is always an order of priority. I am a Christian, a husband, a father, and a pastor, in that order. But if I look at my life, does it demonstrate this order?
I mentioned in a recent sermon that I find it easier to pastor the Advent than to pastor my family. This is because ministering to my family is intensely personal and so much more is at stake. As a result, many men simply abdicate this role that they are called to and rely on others to do the ministering. If we’re honest, many men (and women) don’t know where to begin.
Do I understand that my relationship with the Lord Jesus determines what kind of husband, father, and pastor I am? That the strength of my marriage is determined by my reliance upon a stronger savior? My ability to father my children is to submit to my Heavenly Father? The best thing that I can do for my family and the Advent is to commit myself, body and soul, to the Lord Jesus Christ. This may come at the expense of other priorities, but I pray for the courage to be willing to place those in their rightful place that God may have preeminence in my life.
– Andrew